This guide is also available in a video formatProject Planner - Watch Video:

1. To get strarted, Navigate to Projects > Project Planner

Note: If the project planner is not available on your account, please contact

2. Toggle the Hours / Budget to view the planner by resource hours vs by resource cost.

3. Search for the project you want to resource by 1) Using Filters and/or 2) Typing the project name in the search bar.

4. Expand the project (1) to see the stages/groups/sub projects (2) and hours/costs that have been budgeted (3)

4.1 Toggle Between Viewing Budgeted Hours vs Budgeted Costs using the filter in the top right: 

5. To start adding resources, in line with the Stage click on the Week Column, where you need to assign the resource/s.

6. Select Add Resource 

7. Search for the resource you would like to assign: 

8. Input the Number and duration of hours: 

9. Then add another resource or click done: 

10. In the top area of your screen you will see the balance of budgeted hours remaining to schedule (1) and what has been scheduled out (2) and in the bottom half of the screen you can view each individuals planned utilisation rate (3), this figure also accounts for Public Holidays planned for the employees leave region as well as approved leave applied for: 

We hope this article was helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our support team is always happy to help!