Unique Tracking Categories can be created and used to filter information, e.g. by Branch. The answer for a tracking category can only be from a pre defined fixed list of options.

Tracking Categories can be used to control access to projects by linking the employee and projects to the same tracking category (and limiting the data access under employee permissions). Only the first two tracking categories can be linked to employees and clients.

To get started you will need to define what you would like your tracking categories to be called and set up the predefined list of options for each tracking category.

1. Click on the Configurations tab ⚙︎ and select Company settings from the dropdown list and then Classification

2. Scroll down to Enable Tracking Categories and select Enabled.

3. Choose the number of tracking categories, and give each category a name and add the predefined options

4. Choose whether tracking categories are options or required when creating new projects, setting up new employees or creating new contacts. 

5. Save