The Financial Forecast reports on gross and net income across all projects, allowing you to compare actuals to targets.

Let's consider how to access and interpret this report:

  1. Start by going to Insight in the main menu and opening the Financial Forecast under the Fees & Invoicing section.

  2. First select the Columns required and then specify the Row Grouping and Column Grouping.

  3. Then, set the date you would like the report to Start at.

  4. Now, open the drop-down list beneath Values and select the options that should be reflected in the report. Multiple options can be selected.

  5. Lastly, set an required Filters before clicking Load.

  6. The Financial Forecast report will then be loaded, portraying a list of the characteristics selected from the options beneath Columns.

  7. The Planned Invoices (as well as any other value options selected) for the listed Projects and Sub Projects  will then be reported for the relevant months beginning at the Start date selected previously. The Planned Invoices are derived from each project's Schedule. To find out more about the Schedule, have a look at the following guide.

  8. The respective totals will be shown at the bottom of the screen.

  9. The information shown here can be downloaded in a spreadsheet as a report by clicking on the downward-facing arrow in the top right corner of the screen.

We hope this article was helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our support team is always happy to help!