The project fee can be determined independently for each stage of the project, allowing you to utilise different fee Calculators for each sub-project.

Let's take a look at how this can be configured:

  1. Begin by opening the project, navigating to the Budget & Fee section and clicking on Settings.
  2. Choose to Calculate Fee at a Sub-Project Level and then click Done.

  3. Back in the Budget & Fee section, you will notice the pencil mark next to the Fee for each stage. This indicates that each field can be edited separately.

  4. Now, you will be able to click on the fee next to any stage to set it.

  5. The fee can be set according to any of the following fee Calculators: none, % Construction Value, Billing Rates, Cost Plus.

We hope this article was helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our support team is always happy to help!