This report provides a view of the finances of the project at a top level, allowing you to see the Income and Costs incurred on projects within a specific time frame, as well as the resulting Profit.

Let's have a look at how to read this report.

  1. First, go ahead and click on Insight in the main menu section and then select Project Actuals.
  2. Set the Date Range you're interested in as well as the remaining filters as needed.

  3. Specify the Project Status of projects you would like to report on and click Load.

  4. The Project Actuals report will then appear, allowing you to see the required data per project.

  5. Using the bar at the bottom, scroll to the right until the Income and Costs sections become visible.
  6. Both sections reflect an Opening balance. Within the Income section, this is the value of the income incurred at the start of the selected Date Range. Similarly, within the Costs sections, this is the value of all amounted costs at the beginning of the specified Start Date.

  7. The Invoiced column under the Income, reflects the total invoiced amount for the selected period.

  8. The Time and Expenses columns under the Costs reflect the value of costs incurred owing to approved time and expenses respectively.

  9. The Closing balance relays the resulting value of Income and Costs after considering the Opening balances as well as the respective income and costs incurred within the selected time frame.

  10. Scrolling even further to the right, you will see a Profit section. 
  11. The Profit is broken down to reflect the profit made for the selected Period as well a the Profit made on the Job To Date (JTD).

  12. This information can be extracted as a report by clicking the downward facing arrow in the top right corner of the screen.

We hope this article was helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our support team is always happy to help!