Once staff members have completed and submitted their timesheets, the Project Manager will step in to perform the required approvals. Only once the approvals are complete will the associated costs be linked to the respective projects.

Let's have a look into how this is done.

  1. Begin by clicking Approvals in the main menu and selecting the name of the relevant Approver before clicking Load.

  2. In the Time tab, you will see any submitted timesheet entries awaiting approval.
  3. To approve the timesheet submissions, click on the tick next to each entry.

  4. To reject an entry, click on the cross and add a Rejection Reason before clicking Done. This rejection, along with the feedback will travel back to the employee, allowing the channel of communication between the Project Manager and employee to stay open.

  5. Once you have completed all the required approvals and/or rejections, click Submit near the top of the page to finalise these entries in terms of hours and costs.|

We hope this article was helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our support team is always happy to help!